This page publishes scientific talks of the Positron Laboratory Halle

Tutorial Talk at ICDS-2015 in Helsinki (25.7.2015)
R. Krause-Rehberg: Positron Annihilation Spectroscopy on Defects in Semiconductors

GaN-Workshop in Weigmannsdorf/Germany (1.-2.7.2015):
invited Talk: "Study of defects in GaN by Positron Annihilation" (Link)

2015 FCMN: 2015 Frontiers of Characterization and Metrology for Nanoelectronics; R. Krause-Rehberg: "Positron Annihilation Spectroscopy Measurements for Porosimetry" (Link)

PSD-14 (Kyoto / Japan, 14.-19. September 2014  (Website; Contact)


SLOPOS-13 (Munich, 15.-20.9.2013, Link)


Markus Muchow; Master Thesis - Defense; 17.7.2012; Univ. Halle

"Präsentation der Ergebnisse zur Defektstudie an Cu(In,Ga)Se2-Schichten"


R. Krause-Rehberg, S. Thränert, M. Jungmann

Nano-Scale Porosimetry by Means of Positron Annihilation

Summer School IRTG 2012 "Advanced Interconnects"; Zeuthen/Germany; 23.7.2012



Talk of R. Krause-Rehberg at Trombay Meeting on Positrons in Materials, Medicine and Industry (Positron-2012), Mumbai India, March 12.-14., 2012


Contributions to "Treffen deutscher Positronengruppen 2012" (Workshop at HZDR in Dresden-Rossendorf, 22.2.-1.3.2012)

Yang Yu; PhD Defense, Univ. Halle, 2011-10-12

"Free Volume and Phase Transitions of 1-Butyl-3-Methylimidazolium Based Ionic Liquids: Positron Lifetime"

R. Krause-Rehberg, Seminar Talk, Univ. Halle, 14. October 2011

"Positron Annihilation in Materials Science"

Contributions to PSD-11 in Delft (Workshop on Positron Studies of Defects), (29.8.-2.9.2011)


Joerg Haeberle: "Preparation and Examination of 22Na2CO3 Sources for Positron Annihilation Lifetime Spectroscopy (PALS)"


R. Krause-Rehberg, L. Büttner, M. Jungmann, W. Anwand, M. Butterling, F. Helbig, F.O. Schumann, J. Kirschner

"Source capsules for intense 22-Na sources"


Clive Naidoo, iThemba Labs, Cape Town

"Production of 22-Na at iThemba Labs"

Yang Yu

"Investigation of Ionic Liquids by Positron Annihilation Lifetime Spectroscopy"

Yang Yu, Talk at Univ. Freiburg, 20.7.2011

R. Krause-Rehberg

"Positron Annihilation in Metal Physics"

2. March 2011, Institutskolloquium am Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, Institut f. Angewandte Materialforschung

R. Krause-Rehberg

"Material Science by means of Positron Annihilation"

8. February 2011, Talk at iThemba Labs, Cape Town, South Africa

Conference "Polymer 2010" in Halle/Germany (September 2010)

"Phase Transitions in Polymers Containing Long Self-Assembled CH2 and CF2 Sequences in Their Side Chain: A Positron Lifetime Study"


R. Krause-Rehberg

"Experimental facilities: MePS at ELBE"

19. October 2010: Talk at the Workshop on Positron Annihilation Spectroscopy; FZD Rossendorf

R. Krause-Rehberg

"Positron Annihilation Spectroscopy for Non-Destructive Testing"

14. October 2010: Talk at SKF Engineering & Research Centre, Department of Lubrication & Metallic Materials, Nieuwegein, The Netherlands


R. Krause-Rehberg, M. Jungmann, B. Werlich, A. Pohl, W. Anwand , G. Brauer, M. Butterling, A. Krille, H. Büttig, K.M. Kosev, J. Teichert, A. Wagner, T. Cowan

Use of Superconducting LINACS for Positron Generation

Plenary Talk at SLOPOS-12; 2.-6. August, Magnetic Island, Australia


R. Krause-Rehberg

HalleThe EPOS system at the radiation source ELBE inthe Research Centre Dresden-Rossendorf

Invited Talk at PSPA-10 (39. Polish Seminar on Positron Annihilation); 20-25 June 2010; Kazimierz Dolny


M. Elsayed

Seminar Talk at Univ. Halle, 24.3.2010

Identification of Defects in GaAs:Te after Cu in-diffusion by Positron annihilation


R. Krause-Rehberg

Plenary Talk at the Workshop "APOSB2010 International Workshop on Advanced Positron Beam Technology for Material Science, Algiers, 15.-18.3.2010"

"A simple design for a continuous magnetically guided positron beam – and – News from the EPOS project"

See here the photos of the workshop: Link.


R. Krause-Rehberg, G. Dollinger, W. Egger, C. Hugenschmidt, A. Wagner, T. Cowan

Plenary Talk at the Conference SNI 2010, Berlin 24.-26.2.2010

"Positron Annihilation in Materials Research"


R. Krause-Rehberg, S. Thränert

Talk at the "Innovationsforum Nanoporöse Gläser", Leipzig 26.-27.11.2009

"Die Positronenannihilation - eine Methode zur Porosimetrie im Nanometer-Maßstab"


The EPOS Team and R. Krause-Rehberg

Contribution to the International School of Physics Enrico Fermi: Physics with many Positrons (July 2009)

The intense, pulsed positron source EPOS at the Research Centre Dresden-Rossendorf


R. Krause-Rehberg, A. Krille, K. M. Kosev

Invited Talk at Intern.Conference on New Materials Design for the Next Generation of Performed Components - NMDT-NGPC 2009, Algiers, Algeria May 2009

Scintillation materials for ultra-fast gamma timing


R. Krause-Rehberg

Talk in the Seminar Materials Research at Research Center Dresden-Rosendorf, 21.4.2009

Materials Research with Positrons - The EPOS Project at FZD


R. Krause-Rehberg

Talk at the FSI-Workshop, Jena 6.-8.4.2009

"News of the EPOS Project at the ELBE Radiation Source in the Research Center Dresden-Rossendorf"


Arnold Krille

Seminar Talk at Univ. Halle, 18.2.2009

Testing and Evaluation of Scintillators


R. Krause-Rehberg, W. Anwand, G. Brauer, M. Jungmann, A. Krille, M. Butterling, R. Schwengner, T. Cowan, A. Wagner

Plenary Lecture at "15th International Conference on Positron Annihilation - ICPA-15", Kolkata, India,, 18.-23.1.2009

Progress of the EPOS Project: Gamma-Induced Positron Spectroscopy (GiPS)


R. Krause-Rehberg

Lecture at "International School on Positron Studies", Kolkata, India,, 14.-16. January 2009

"Fundamentals of positron annihilation spectroscopy and its application in semiconductors"


A. Guittoum

Seminar talk, Univ. Halle, Nov. 2008

"Positron Study of Ion-Cutting process in GaN"

Arnold Krille, Wolfgang Anwand, Marco Jungmann, Nicki Hinsche, Reinhard Krause-Rehberg

Seminar Talk at Dept.of Physics, Leipzig University, 22. October 2008

Digital Positron Lifetime @ EPOS


O. Moutanabbir, R. Krause-Rehberg, M. Jungmann, F.Süßkraut, A. Guittoum, M. Butterling, W . Egger, P. Sperr, G. Kögel

Talk DGKK Meeting, Erlangen, 9.10.2008

"Defect Study of Hydrogen Ion-Cutting of GaN "



O. Moutanabbir, R. Krause-Rehberg, M. Jungmann, F.Süßkraut, A. Guittoum, M. Butterling, W . Egger, P. Sperr, G. Kögel

Talk at PSD-08, Prague, Sept. 2008

"A Positron Study of Hydrogen Ion-Cutting of GaN "


R. Krause-Rehberg, G. Brauer, W. Anwand, M. Jungmann, A. Krille

Talk at PSD-08, Prague, Sept. 2008

"Progress of the Intense Positron Beam Project EPOS"


A. Krille, W. Anwand, R. Krause-Rehberg

Talk at PSD-08, Prague, Sept. 2008

"Digital Positron Lifetime: The Influence of Noise"


M. Elsayed

Seminar Talk, Kristallseminar, Univ. Halle, Dept. of Physics, 11.6.2008

"Vacancy generation during Cu diffusion in GaAs"


R. Krause-Rehberg

Talk at "Ehrenkolloquium für Prof. J.R. Niklas"; Freiberg 6.6.2008

"Antimaterie in der modernen Materialforschung"


S. Thraenert, D. Enke, R. Krause-Rehberg

Talk at "PPC-9 - 9th International Workshop on Positron and Positronium Chemistry", 11.-15. May 2008, Wuhan, PR China

PALS on Controlled Pore Glass – Porosimetry and Phase Transition of Gas in Confinement


S. Thraenert, D. Enke, R. Krause-Rehberg

Talk at "20. Deutsche Zeolith-Tagung", 5. - 7. March 2008, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg

Characterisation of mesopores - ortho-Positronium lifetime measurement on controlled pore glass


R. Krause-Rehberg

Institute Colloquium at KFKI Budapest, Hungary, 16.11.2007

Positron Annihilation for Materials Science & the intense Positron Source EPOS


O. Moutanabbir and F. Suesskraut, and R. Krause-Rehberg

Talk at the 2. FRM-II User Meeting, Munich, 30. October 2007

Ion Cutting in wide band gap compound semiconductors: Atomic processes in hydrogen-induced layers


R. Krause-Rehberg, G. Brauer, M. Jungmann, A. Krille, A. Rogov and K. Noack

Invited Talk given at PSPA 2007, Workshop in  Lądek Zdrój - Poland, 3. - 7. September 2007

Progress of the Intense Positron Beam Project EPOS


R. Krause-Rehberg

Invited Talk given at SLOPOS-11, Workshop in Orléans, 9.-13.7.2007

Summary Talk of SLOPOS-11


Arnold Krille, Reinhard Krause-Rehberg, Marco Jungmann, Frantisek Becvar, Gerhard Brauer

Talk given at SLOPOS-11, Workshop in Orléans, 9.-13.7.2007

Digital positron lifetime spectroscopy at EPOS


R. Krause-Rehberg, G. Brauer, M. Jungmann, A. Krille, A. Rogov and K. Noack

Invited Talk given at SLOPOS-11, Workshop in Orléans,

Progress of the Intense Positron Beam Project EPOS


R. Krause-Rehberg

Seminar Talk at Univ. Münster, 30.5.2007

Observation of vacancies during Zn and Cu diffusion in GaP & GaAs


Frank Süßkraut

Seminarvortrag im Positronenseminar, Univ. Halle, 1. März 2007

Positron Annihilation as a Method to Characterize Porous Materials

Reinhard Krause-Rehberg

Physikstammtisch am 20.2.2007 im Inst. für Physik, MLU Halle

Antimaterie in der Materialforschung


Sayd Ahmed, Essmat

Seminar talk MLU Halle Jan. 2007

Characterization of CPG Materials by Using PATs

S. Thraenert, E. M. Hassan, D. Enke, R. Krause-Rehberg

Seminar talk at the IFW Dresden/Germany, December 20, 2006

"Characterisation of mesopores - ortho-Positronium lifetime measurement as a porosimetry technique"

R.Krause-Rehberg S.Thraenert, E.M.Hassan, D.Enke

Talk at the Workshop "Hybrid Nanostructured Materials – Synthesis, Properties, Applications”, Dresden/Germany, November 8/9, 2006

"Characterization of nanoporous materials by positron annihilation spectroscopy "

R. Krause-Rehberg

Vortrag auf der "Physik-Praktikumsleiter-Tagung" PLT-2006 in Halle, 27.9.2006

Die Messung der dielektrischen Funktion

R. Krause-Rehberg

Vortrag auf der "Physik-Praktikumsleiter-Tagung" PLT-2006 in Halle, 27.9.2006

Das Fortgeschrittenen-Praktikum im Überblick

M. Qasim Shaikh

Talk given for the Master Thesis Defense at Martin-Luther-Univ. Halle-Wittenberg, 6. September 2006

Investigation of Free Volume in Polymers by Positron Annihilation Lifetime Spectroscopy (PALS)

R. Krause-Rehberg

Summary Talk for the A-sessions of ICPA-14, Hamilton/Canada, July 2006

R. Krause-Rehberg, G. Brauer, A. Krille, M. Jungmann, S. Sachert, A. Rogov, K. Nowak

Invited Conference Talk given at ICPA-14, Hamilton/Canada, July 2006

The pulsed high-brightness positron source EPOS

S. Thraenert, E. M. Hassan, D. Enke, R. Krause-Rehberg

Conference Talk given at ICPA-14, Hamilton/Canada, July 2006

Verifying the RTE model – ortho-positronium lifetime measurement on controlled pore glasses

A. Krille

Talk given in Kristallseminar at Univ. Halle, 12.7.2006

Current state of my work to develop a Digital Positron Lifetime Measurement for EPOS

M. Qasim Shaikh

Talk given at Univ. Potsdam in Mai 2006

The local Free Volume in Polymers studied by Positron Annihilation Lifetime Spectroscopy (PALS)

M. Qasim Shaikh

Talk given at Univ. Kiel in April 2006

"Free Volume of Polymers using Positron Annihilation Lifetime Spectroscopy (PALS)"

A. Krille, R. Krause-Rehberg, F. Becvar, G. Brauer

Talk at the Workshop HIPOS in Bergen / Netherlands, Nov. 2005

"The (upcoming) digital real-time positron lifetime measurement of EPOS"

R. Krause-Rehberg, G. Brauer, S. Sachert, A. Krille, V. Bondarenko

Talk at the Workshop HIPOS in Bergen / Netherlands, Nov. 2005

"The intense positron source EPOS at Research Center Rossendorf"

Stefan Thränert

Seminar in der FG Theorie des FB Physik der MLU, 2.11.2005

"Positronium im 3D Potentialtopf - Nanoporöses Glas als Fallstudie"

R. Krause-Rehberg, G. Brauer
Talk given at Lab. of Physics, Helsinki University of Technology 1. July 2005

"The intense Positron Source EPOS at ELBE Radiation Source of Research Center Rossendorf"

R. Krause-Rehberg, G. Dlubek
Talk given at Polymerseminar, Dept of Physics, MLU Halle 17.5.2005

"Die Positronenannihilation in der Materialforschung"

R. Krause-Rehberg, G. Brauer
Talk given at SAC Meeting Rossendorf 3.5.2005

"Wissenschaftliches Konzept der intensiven Positronenquelle EPOS an ELBE"

R. Krause-Rehberg, G. Brauer, S. Sachert, V. Bondarenko, A. Rogov, K. Noack
Talk given at SLOPOS-10 in Doha/Qatar (19.-25. 2.2005)

"EPOS – an intense positron beam project at the Research Center Rossendorf"

R. Krause-Rehberg
Lecture at IOP Workshop "Characterisation of Vacancy-Related Defects in Materials", London, 20.2.2004

"Identification of Vacancy Defects using Positron Annihilation"

R. Krause-Rehberg
Lecture at "Positron Annihilation CNRS School", Orleans/France, 20./21. November 2003

"Vacancy and vacancy-clusters in Semiconductors"

R. Krause-Rehberg
Lecture at "Positron Annihilation CNRS School", Orleans/France, 20./21. November 2003

"EPOS - Positron Annihilation Multifacility Project in Dresden"

R. Krause-Rehberg, G. Brauer, P. Michel
Vortrag auf Arbeitstreffen"Forschung mit nuklearen Sonden und Ionenstrahlen - FSI 2003", Berlin, HMI, 30.9./1.10.2003

"EPOS – Eine hochintensive Positronenquelle an der ELBE-Strahlungsquelle im FZ Rossendorf"

V. Bondarenko, J. Gebauer, F. Redmann, R. Krause-Rehberg
Talk at ICPA-13, Kyoto, Japan, 8.-12. September 2003
"Vacancy formation in GaAs under different equilibrium conditions"

R. Krause-Rehberg, V. Bondarenko, J. Pöpping, N.A. Stolwijk, T.E.M. Staab, U. Södervall
Talk at ICPA-13, Kyoto, Japan, 8.-12. September 2003
"Observation of vacancies during Zn diffusion in GaP"

M. Fujinami (Univ. Tokyo)
Seminar talk at University Halle, August, 4. August 2003
"Positron Beam Study on the Ion-implanted Silicon"

V. Bondarenko
Seminar talk at University Halle, August, 4. August 2003
"On the temperature dependence of positron trapping in semiconductors"

R. Krause-Rehberg
Talk at Workshop POSITRON-03, Sandbjerg, Denmark, 20. July 2003
"The EPOS positron facility"

R. Krause-Rehberg
"Vortrag auf der Mädchenschule" 2003, Universität Halle, 9. July 2003
"Mit Antimaterie auf der Suche nach Nanodefekten in Werkstoffen"

R. Krause-Rehberg
Colloquium at Hahn-Meitner-Institute Berlin, 8. July 2003
"Positronen in der Materialforschung"

V. Bondarenko, R. Krause-Rehberg
Talk at the "Intern. Workshop on Positronium Physics", May, 30.-31. 2003
"Study of semiconductors with positrons" (pdf-File: 2,0 MB)

V. Bondarenko, R. Krause-Rehberg
Talk at ICPTTF, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine, May, 19.-24. 2003
"Application of Positron Annihilation for defects investigations in thin films" (pdf-File: 1,3 MB)

R. Krause-Rehberg
Colloquium at University Leipzig, 20. May 2003
"Positronen in der Materialforschung" (pdf-File: 2,1 MB)

R. Krause-Rehberg
Talk given at the "Universität der Bundeswehr" at April 29th, 2003
"Materialforschung mit Positronen" (pdf-File: 2,0 MB)

V. Bondarenko, R. Krause-Rehberg, B. Gruendig-Wendrock, J.R. Niklas
Talk at DGKK-Tagung  "GaAs, InP und SiC", Erlangen, 2./3. April 2003
"Vacancy-like defects in undoped annealed GaAs" (pdf-File: 1,8 MB)

R. Krause-Rehberg
Colloquium at TU Delft, 24-March-2003
"Materials Research using Positron Annihilation" (pdf-File: 1,4 MB)


R. Krause-Rehberg, F. Börner, F. Redmann, R. Kögler, W. Skorupa, W. Egger, G. Kögel, W. Triftshäuser
Vortrag im "41. Arbeitskreis Punktdefekte", Dresden, 22-March-2003
"Untersuchungen zum Rp/2-Effekt in Si mit Hilfe der Positronenannihilation" (pdf-File: 1,2 MB)


R. Krause-Rehberg
Kolloquium an der Universität Münster, 17-Febr-2003
"Materialforschung mit Positronen" (pdf-File: 2,5 MB)


R. Krause-Rehberg
Antrittsvorlesung (in German), University Halle, 30. Jan. 2003

"Materialforschung mit Positronen -die intensive Positronenquelle EPOS" (pdf-File: 3.3 MB)


R. Krause-Rehberg
Talk at Intern. Workshop "PSSD-02", Sendai/Japan, 29.9.- 4.10.2002
"News from Halle Positron Laboratory: EPOS - ELBE Positron Source" (pdf-File: 1 MB)


V. Bondarenko, R. Krause-Rehberg, B. Gruendig-Wendrock, J.R. Niklas
Talk at Intern. Workshop "PSSD-02", Sendai/Japan, 29.9.- 4.10.2002
"Vacancy-like defects in SI GaAs: post-growth treatment" (pdf-File: 0,62 MB)


R. Krause-Rehberg
Forschungszentrum Rossendorf, Vortrag im "ELBE-Palaver", 11. April 2002
"Positronen-Messplatz bei ELBE" (pdf-File: 1 MB)


R. Krause-Rehberg

Talk to be held in JAERI (Takasaki) and KEK (Tsukuba), Japan March 2002
"Positron Beam Application to Materials Science

and Intense Accelerator or Reactor based Positron Beam Facilities in Germany" (pdf-File: 1.7 MB)


R. Krause-Rehberg, V. Bondarenko, F. Redmann, F. Börner

MC02 (International Symposium on Material Chemistry in Nuclear Environment), March 13-15, 2002, Tsukuba, Japan
"Study of radiation Defects in Semiconductors by Means of Positron Annihilation" (pdf-File: 0.7 MB)


Prof. Zhu Wang
MLU Halle, 3 Lectures about Ceramics
"Introduction into defect studies in ceramic materials", Lecture 1, Lecture 2, and Lecture 3 (pdf-Files)


R. Krause-Rehberg
IKZ Berlin, 11. Jan. 2002
"Das Studium von Kristalldefekten in Halbleitern mit Hilfe der Positronenannihilation" (pdf-File: 0.9 MB)


F. Redmann, A. Kawasuso R. Krause-Rehberg
Colloquium of IKZ Berlin, 7.12.2001
"Positron Studies of Defects in irradiated and ion-implanted n-type SiC" (pdf-File: 1.5 MB)


R. Krause-Rehberg, A. Polity, V. Bondarenko
1st Workshop on  Radiation hard semiconductor devices for very high luminosity colliders, CERN 28-30 November 2001
"Irradiation damage in semiconductors studied by positron annihilation" (pdf-File: 0.6 MB)


R. Krause-Rehberg, F. Börner, F. Redmann, W. Egger, G. Kögel, P. Sperr, and W. Triftshäuser
SLOPOS-9, Dresden (Germany), 17.-21.9.2001
"Slow positron defect profiling with enhanced depth resolution" (pdf-File: 0.3 MB)


R. Krause-Rehberg, F. Börner, F. Redmann, J. Gebauer, R. Kögler, W. Skorupa, G. Kögel, W. Egger, P. Sperr, W. Triftshäuser
DRIP-IX, Rimini (Italien), 24.-28.9.2001
"The microscopic nature of gettering defects at Rp/2 in high-energy self-implanted silicon" (pdf-File: 0.35 MB)


R. Krause-Rehberg, F. Börner, F. Redmann, J. Gebauer, R. Kögler, R. Kliemann, W. Skorupa, W. Egger, G. Kögel, W. Triftshäuser
ICDS-21, Giessen, Germany, 16.-20.7.2001
"Identification of Getter Defects in high-energy self-implanted Silicon at Rp/2 " (pdf-File: 0.32 MB)

R. Krause-Rehberg, K. Petters, H.S. Leipner, J. Gebauer
Treffen Arbeitskreis GaAs der DGKK, IKZ Berlin, 21./22. 3. 2001
"Bildung von Leerstellen-Clustern bei der Diffusion von Cu in GaAs" (pdf-File: 0.6 MB)

H.S. Leipner, C.G. Hübner, T.E.M. Staab, R. Krause-Rehberg
International Conference on Positron Annihilation - ICPA12, Munich  August 2000
"Open-volume defects in plastically deformed  semiconductors" (pdf-File: 0.2 MB)

R. Krause-Rehberg, F. Börner, F. Redmann, J. Gebauer, S. Eichler
International Conference on Positron Annihilation - ICPA12, Munich  August 2000
"Positron Beam Studies of Defects in Semiconductors" (pdf-File: 1.5 MB)

R. Krause-Rehberg
International Workshop "Many-Particle Spectroscopy of Atoms, Molecules and Surfaces - MRS2000", Halle July 2000
"Study of lattice defects in solids by positron annihilation" (pdf-File: 0.7 MB)

A. Kawasuso
Seminar of FG "Surface- and Interface Physics", Univ. Halle, 26. April 2000:
"Reflection high-energy positron diffraction at Si(111) and other surfaces" (pdf-File: 1.3 MB)

R. Krause-Rehberg
Kolloquium anläßlich des 80. Geburtstages von Prof. O. Brümmer, MLU Halle,  27. April 2000:
"Positronenspektroskopie zur Defektanalyse" (pdf-File: 2.8 MB)

R. Krause-Rehberg
Institutskolloquium des des Instituts für Physikalische Metallkunde, TU Dresden, 13. April 2000:
"Defektuntersuchungen in feinkristallinen Materialien mit Hilfe der Positronenannihilation" (pdf-File: 2.0 MB)

A. Kawasuso
Kolloquium am Inst. für Angewandte Physik, Univ. Erlangen, 2. März 2000:
"Investigation of SiC by Positrons" (pdf-File: 0.49 MB)

R. Krause-Rehberg
Kolloquium beim Festkörpertag des SFB 408, Univ. Bonn, 11. Februar 2000:
"Charakterisierung von Kristalldefekten mit Hilfe der Positronenannihilation" (pdf-File: 1.9 MB)

R. Krause-Rehberg, J. Gebauer a
Institutskolloquium IKZ Berlin, 12. November 1999:
"Defektcharakterisierung in GaAs mit Positronen" (pdf-File: 5.0 MB)

F. Börner, R. Krause-Rehberg, J. Gebauer
Vortrag auf dem Jahrestreffen der DGKK 1999, Freiberg 28. Oktober 1999:
"Charakterisierung von Defekten in GaAs mit Hilfe der Positronenannihilation" (pdf-File: 1.14 MB)

R. Krause-Rehberg, T.E.M. Staab, U. Hornauer, E. Zschech, G. Dlubek
Vortrag auf dem Härterei-Kolloquium HK'99, Wiesbaden, 8. Oktober 1999:
"Charakterisierung von Ausscheidungsprozessen in aushärtbaren Al-Legierungen mit Hilfe der Positronenannihilation" (pdf-File: 0.69 MB)

R. Krause-Rehberg
Lecture held at POST-99 Meeting, DESY Hamburg, 1. Sept. 1999:
"Basic and Means of Positron Annihilation" (pdf-File: 1.35 MB)

R. Krause-Rehberg, F. Börner
Lecture held PSSD-99, Hamilton, Canada, 20.-23.8.99:
"Improvement of depth resolution in slow-positron defect profiling" (pdf-File: 0.88 MB)

R. Krause-Rehberg
Lecture held at 4th of Nov. 1998 at Halle University:
"Introduction into Positron Annihilation" (pdf-File: 2.03 MB)

Integrated Analysis of Defect Structures in Crystalline Materials
(Euroseminar, Freiberg, Germany, 1998)
R. Krause-Rehberg
"Defect characterization in solids by means of positron annihilation" (pdf-File: 1.61 MB)

Beam Induced Assessment of Defects in Semiconductors - BIADS 98
(Wulkow near Berlin, Germany, 1998)
R. Krause-Rehberg, S. Eichler, J. Gebauer, F. Börner
"The slow-positron beam technique — A unique tool for the study of vacancy-type defects in semiconductors" (pdf-File: 2.43 MB)

SLOPOS-8 (Cape Town, South Africa, 1998)

S. Eichler and R. Krause-Rehberg
"Vacancylike defects in GaAs after ion implantation" (pdf-File: 2.67 MB)

F. Börner, S. Eichler, A. Polity, R. Krause-Rehberg, R. Hammer, M. Jurisch
"Large-depth defect profiling in GaAs wafers after saw cutting" (pdf-File: 1.8 MB)