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2008-03-03_01 2008-03-03_02 2008-03-03_03 2008-03-03_04 2008-03-03_05 2008-03-03_06
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2008-03-03_02  [2 von 6] ExhibitPlus 2008-03-03_02 Mahamed in the container in which the lead bricks will be sawed.
Mahamed in the container in which the lead bricks will be sawed.

DATEINAME: 2008-03-03_02.jpg  |  DATUM: 03.03.08 16:59  |  KAMERA: Canon (Canon EOS 20D)  |  AUFLÖSUNG: 799 x 1200  |  NATIVE BRENNWEITE: 22.0mm (35mm Brennweite: 35mm)  |  BLITZ: Flash fired  |  BELICHTUNGSDAUER: 1/60 sec  |  MESSUNGSMODUS: Multi-segment  |  BELICHTUNGSMODUS: Auto exposure  |  ÖFFNUNG: F4,5  |  ISO EINSTELLUNG: 400