Monograph "Positron Annihilation in Semiconductors"
R. Krause-Rehberg and H.S. Leipner
Springer-Verlag , Berlin 1999
Vol. 127 of Series "Solid-State Sciences"
378 pages, 212 figures, 20 tables
ISBN 3-540-64371-0, price: 159,- DM 

The electrical and optical properties of semiconductors are dominated by lattice defects. The positron annihilation has become one of the most important techniques for the investigation of vacancy-like defects. Positrons may be captured in lattice imperfections and the annihilation signal contains then specific information on the type and the concentration of these defects.
    A comprehensive overview of positron studies in elemental and compound semiconductors is presented. Emphasis is put on investigations of defects in as–grown, electron–irradiated, ion–implanted, and plastically deformed material. It is demonstrated that positrons can be used to profile structural defects in epitaxial layers and at interfaces. Possible applications of positron annihilation in defect engineering are discussed. The theoretical foundations of the interaction of positrons with matter are reviewed. The book describes in detail all important techniques of positron annihilation, such as the positron lifetime spectroscopy, the Doppler–broadening spectroscopy, the angular correlation of annihilation radiation, positron–beam applications, as well as new methodic developments. The sensitivity and selectivity of defect de-tection by positron annihilation is compared to other characterization methods.

See the foreword by Eicke Weber, the preface, the list of Contents, and the introduction!
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See the Review by Thomas Wichert ("Physikalische Blätter" 56 (2000) 11, 76; in German)
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