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2009-09-15_08  [8 von 21]

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ExhibitPlus 2009-09-15_08 After a few minutes having the electron beam still during electron steering, we got the positrons through. Background was <5 cps. We got about 500 cps at 5µA meaning at 1 mA and closer detector position a theoretical count rate of 1E6 in the 20% Ge detector.
After a few minutes having the electron beam still during electron steering, we got the positrons through. Background was <5 cps. We got about 500 cps at 5µA meaning at 1 mA and closer detector position a theoretical count rate of 1E6 in the 20% Ge detector.

2009-09-15_03 2009-09-15_04 2009-09-15_05 2009-09-15_06 2009-09-15_07 2009-09-15_08 2009-09-15_09 2009-09-15_10 2009-09-15_11 2009-09-15_12
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