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2009-09-15_02  [2 von 21]

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ExhibitPlus 2009-09-15_02 Additional steering coils can compensate the bending of the 32 MeV beam in the field of the large transport coil (about 1.5 mm)
Additional steering coils can compensate the bending of the 32 MeV beam in the field of the large transport coil (about 1.5 mm)

2009-09-15_01 2009-09-15_02 2009-09-15_03 2009-09-15_04 2009-09-15_05 2009-09-15_06 2009-09-15_07 2009-09-15_08 2009-09-15_09 2009-09-15_10
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