2008-12-15: We tested successfully GIPS (Gamma-induced Positron Spectroscopy) and continued with beam adjustment at the slow-positron project

2008-12-15_32a First GiPS spectrum (lifetime spectrum obtained as projection of AMOC spectrum to lifetime axis)

First GiPS spectrum (lifetime spectrum obtained as projection of AMOC spectrum to lifetime axis)

2008-12-15_01 We solved the ground loop problem of the detector sysrem at the slow positron beam

We solved the ground loop problem of the detector sysrem at the slow positron beam

2008-12-15_02 First sample to be measured by GiPS (Gamma-induced Positron Spectroscopy): pure, annealed iron

First sample to be measured by GiPS (Gamma-induced Positron Spectroscopy): pure, annealed iron

2008-12-15_03 Andreas Wagner is mounting the ioron sample to the position in cross point of all 6 detectors

Andreas Wagner is mounting the ioron sample to the position in cross point of all 6 detectors

2008-12-15_04 Left: vacuum tube for holding the sample; Middle: BaF detector; right: Ge detector

Left: vacuum tube for holding the sample; Middle: BaF detector; right: Ge detector

2008-12-15_05 Vacuum system is going to be closed

Vacuum system is going to be closed

2008-12-15_06 The whole detector system in the nuclear physics cave 109

The whole detector system in the nuclear physics cave 109

2008-12-15_07 Ge detector is sourrounded by BGO detectors in anticoincidence to reduce Compton events in Ge detector (not used in our experiments)

Ge detector is sourrounded by BGO detectors in anticoincidence to reduce Compton events in Ge detector (not used in our experiments)

2008-12-15_08 Constant fractions being used

Constant fractions being used

2008-12-15_09 A part of the (analog) electronics

A part of the (analog) electronics

2008-12-15_10 One of three racks ...

One of three racks ...

2008-12-15_11 Gamma beam line entering cave 109

Gamma beam line entering cave 109

2008-12-15_12 Vacuum system...

Vacuum system...

2008-12-15_13 Instruction for use of vacuum system

Instruction for use of vacuum system

2008-12-15_14 A part of the crew: Marco Jungmann, Arnold Krille, Gerhard Brauer, Wolfgang Anwand, Andreas Wagner (from left)

A part of the crew: Marco Jungmann, Arnold Krille, Gerhard Brauer, Wolfgang Anwand, Andreas Wagner (from left)

2008-12-15_15 Fast electronics ...

Fast electronics ...

2008-12-15_16 Door is going to be closed

Door is going to be closed

2008-12-15_17 Back in slow positron lab ...

Back in slow positron lab ...

2008-12-15_18 An SCA was the solution for most  of electronic noise problems

An SCA was the solution for most of electronic noise problems

2008-12-15_19 Ronald Schwengner with us in corridore in front of cave 109

Ronald Schwengner with us in corridore in front of cave 109

2008-12-15_20 Andreas playing with modules

Andreas playing with modules

2008-12-15_21 RKR also there

RKR also there

2008-12-15_22 Red light: ELBE beam running, door must stay closed

Red light: ELBE beam running, door must stay closed

2008-12-15_23 Yellow light: beam down, door may be opened

Yellow light: beam down, door may be opened


2008-12-15_25 Re-adjustment of BaF to aline the single rates of all detectors to be roughly equal

Re-adjustment of BaF to aline the single rates of all detectors to be roughly equal

2008-12-15_26 The other BaF detector

The other BaF detector

2008-12-15_27 Automatic LN2 filling system of Ge detectors

Automatic LN2 filling system of Ge detectors

2008-12-15_28 Look into the cave

Look into the cave

2008-12-15_29 Part of electronic system

Part of electronic system

2008-12-15_30 Ronald and Andreas waiting for the ELBE beam to appear

Ronald and Andreas waiting for the ELBE beam to appear

2008-12-15_31 4 single rates (2 Ge and 2 BaF detectors on top) and 4 coincidence rates

4 single rates (2 Ge and 2 BaF detectors on top) and 4 coincidence rates

2008-12-15_32 First lifetime GiPS spectra of iron are growing

First lifetime GiPS spectra of iron are growing

2008-12-15_33 Marco and Maik installing a board in slow positron lab

Marco and Maik installing a board in slow positron lab

2008-12-15_34 A mouse was observed in the ELBE hall

A mouse was observed in the ELBE hall

2008-12-15_35 LN2 supply

LN2 supply

2008-12-15_36 The board boing to be ready soon...

The board boing to be ready soon...

2008-12-15_37 The sample holder for liquids (here water) has two thin caton foils

The sample holder for liquids (here water) has two thin caton foils

2008-12-15_38 ... the same holder

... the same holder

2008-12-15_39 Holder inside the sample tube

Holder inside the sample tube

2008-12-15_40 in the meantime: board finished

in the meantime: board finished

2008-12-15_41 The gamma beam opening (center) and 2 Ge detectors (behind copper attenuator plates) and 2 BaF outside

The gamma beam opening (center) and 2 Ge detectors (behind copper attenuator plates) and 2 BaF outside

2008-12-15_42 sample in middle of wire ring to avoid the plastic tube

sample in middle of wire ring to avoid the plastic tube

2008-12-15_43 Iron sample within wire ring holder

Iron sample within wire ring holder

2008-12-15_44 Small champaign party for first positron spectra at ELBE

Small champaign party for first positron spectra at ELBE

2008-12-15_45 RKR giving some explanations

RKR giving some explanations

2008-12-15_46 The ELBE crew

The ELBE crew

2008-12-15_47 Prof. Möller from Inst. of Ion beam Physics

Prof. Möller from Inst. of Ion beam Physics

2008-12-15_48 Andreas Wagner

Andreas Wagner

2008-12-15_49 Jörg Pawelke and Tom Cowan talking

Jörg Pawelke and Tom Cowan talking

2008-12-15_50 RKR and Peter Michel

RKR and Peter Michel